Board Members
McKenzie Has Been a Member of EARS for Many of Years and has been Serving as the Emergency Services Coordinator for the Last 5 Years. McKenzie is an Avid Volunteer In her spare time she Volunteers for many Local Non-Profits in and around the Area including Search and Rescue Communication's Unit with the San Diego Sheriffs Department
Officer At Large
Gail Edwards
I have been in the ham radio world since 2012 and in short order, I found EARS. Within my first year of my ham ticket days, I had moved forward with acquiring the status of amateur extra and I asked to become part of the EARS team of net control operators. A position I have held for more than 10 years now. Now, I am pleased to be voted in as “officer at large“ on the board for EARS
Officer At Large
Alan Berkowitz
My name is Alan Berkowitz, KO6BLC. I am a 66 yo married male who is the father of three boys and three grandchildren. Professionally, I am an expert in pharmacology and am still working full time as a physician. I live on a vineyard and am learning how to process the grapes to make fine wine. I have a great mentor who owns a winery, has made wine for 45 years and is teaching me the skills.
I have had an interest in Amateur Radio since adolescence but never renewed by novice license. My father's friend gave me an old rig and after obtaining my license, my parents were kind enough to let me place an antenna on their home. Talking from Indiana to the Mohave Desert was really cool and started the interest. Last year, I obtained my technicians and general licenses and am starting all over again. I purchased a Yeasu an FTDX-101MP and a 28 foot off center Flagple dipole antenna to avoid conflicts with me wife. I put up a Palomar Engineering 95ft bullet antenna. She also let me put up a Cushcraft beam antenna on a crank up tower which is camouflaged and hidden from sight until used. I power my station with an Elecraft KPA 1500 amplifier.
I have also had interest in astronomy for the same duration and am an amateur astrophotographer. I have an observatory on my property. I have cameras to take deep sky shots as well as cameras to do planetary work. One of my goals is to wed the two hobbies so that I can do moon bounce and talk with the international space station on VHF/UHF.
I am nearing retirement and am beginning to take on roles in volunteer organizations. Being a board member is one of the important steps in integrating into this. I have joined SD ARES and hope to have a growing role in that organization as an emergency radio responder with some level of knowledge in medicine.
I am an enthusiastic participant and hope to be helpful as a board member
Past President
Matt Tucker